--------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have an Access MDB that works fine on most machines, but gives me an error that it cannot recognize common, built-in functions like LEFT(), DATE(), etc. How do I fix this? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The system that fails is having a problem with references. To fix the problem, do the following: Access 97 Fix: (1) Open the mdb file while holding down shift to prevent the code from auto-running. (2) Go to the Modules tab, and open any module up. (3) Click the menu item Tools -> References (only available if code window has focus). (4) Look for any of the items that are checked, and that state "MISSING" at the front of the reference item name. (5) Uncheck that item. (6) Close the module and try to re-run the mdb, it should now work.